All Full Gospel Australia pastors have the opportunity to gather together online for prayer and fellowship. We meet twice each week on Wednesdays at 6 AM and 6 PM EST and WE LOVE IT! One of the strengths of these meetings is that we come with no personal agendas; we come with no barrows to push; we gather together to love one another; lift each other in prayer, to minister to and to be ministered too.
Pastors from all over Australia attend our prayer meetings: From Broome in the North of West Australia to Hobart in Tasmania; from Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales, our pastors report that they are encouraged and helped in both their personal and ministry lives. Each week we lift the entire nation of Australia in prayer. Our meetings are a meeting of family, of people who choose to love one another and treat each other with dignity, respect and deference.
How good it is when we dwell together in unity, for there God commands his blessing (Psalm 133). We are blessed as we meet together in unity, we are blessed by each other’s love and by the blessing commanded by God over us, our families and our ministries and communities.
This morning we were especially blessed to have amongst us the leader of a Bible College in India: Pastor Andrew. He told us of the conditions his Church and Bible College are in now. Some of these are:
- They have been in Lock-Down for 18 months
- Businesses closed
- People not allowed out of their houses unless in an emergency
- Food and other necessities are delivered to their homes
- All Churches have been closed for 18 months
- Their Bible college has also been closed for 18 months
- Over 1000 cases of COVID19 currently in their area
- Not enough vaccines for their population
- Churches are meeting online and facing waning attendance
- People are suffering from depression and other mental illness
- Students of the Bible College finding it hard to maintain their studies
- Churches and Christian institutions are facing extreme financial hardship
- Hospitals are overwhelmed and in short supply of the basics
- Some Burmese students have been harassed by their Tatmadaw (military) government and their studies have been severely curtailed. They are in fear for their lives.
- They have been in Lock-Down for 18 months
Yet, they remain positive and looking to the future victory in Christ. Pastor Andrew was surrounded by love this morning as all the pastors online reached out to him with their care and love, praying for him, his family and his ministry. We also prayed especially for the students who have been affected by the COVID Pandemic.
Each of our online prayer meetings is different from all the others. We gather to praise and worship the Lord, to encourage one another and to pray for and support one another. I love these meetings, they are a real source of inspiration and strength and I bless God for each one who joins in.
The meeting details are contained in emails sent to each pastor. If you want to come to one of our prayer meetings, please email FGA for the meeting details.