The Prime Minister’s Announcement – All Places of Worship to Close Their Meetings

Tonight, the Prime Minister announced sweeping new measures (STAGE 1) which will change the way Australians everywhere gather, including churches/places of worship. These new measures will come into effect at midday tomorrow, the 23rd March 2020.


From tomorrow all churches will not be legally allowed to gather, excepting for funerals, etc.


At allowed events the four square metre ruling should be strictly applied. The 4 square metre ruling is that each person is the centre of a four metre exclusion zone which another person may not enter. The drawing below represents 4 square metres around a person represented by the black dot.
Please ensure your church / ministry adheres to these new measures. Full Gospel Australia expects that all churches and ministries will be obedient to the government God has placed over us and that we will all be prayerful in upholding the Prime Minister and all our elected politicians, especially at this time.


We are mindful that some churches and ministries credentialed by FGA are ‘house churches.’ To those in this position, we strongly encourage you to think creatively and carefully consider how you meet. We want you to be known in your communities as groups who have high regard for your neighbours and your community in general.


We understand that this new ruling by the Commonwealth Government is a difficult one for many people of faith, however, it also presents to us new opportunities of reaching people we never could have or would have reached before. Please consider still holding your services via LIVE STREAMING. Other technologies to consider using are ZOOM, FaceBook, LinkedIn, and your own web page/ blog.


Even though Australia is physically isolating people, it does not mean that we have to be spiritually and emotionally isolated.


Starting this Wednesday, FGA will be holding a morning pastors and leaders meeting via ZOOM to pray for each other, our churches and ministries and the nation. I encourage you to log on via ZOOM following this invitation (below) at 6:30 AM Brisbane Time (7:30 AM Sydney/Melbourne/Hobart; 7:00 AM Adelaide; 4:30 AM Perth). After Sunday 5th April when Daylight Saving ends, the eastern seaboard will all be at the same time. We will also hold meetings on several afternoons/evenings for those who cannot make it early in the morning.