Please see our drop-down menu (above) for information about our leadership team, resources, forms and FAQs.
A Brief History…
Full Gospel Australia exists to help pastors, ministers and leaders in ministry to be the best they can be. We are led by an executive and board of skilled and experienced set of pastors and leaders who have the wisdom of having been in Christian ministry for many years, yet have a contemporary and forward-thinking outlook for twenty-first-century, Australian ministry.
The Full Gospel Churches of Australia was formed in 1963 by Ian Munro to provide fellowship and support for the ‘little man’ in ministry while allowing the local church that was established to retain its autonomy.
Ian Munro was strongly motivated to see people with a calling of God on their lives released into their ministries and recognised. Many pastors were attracted by Munro’s emphasis on the local assembly to retain its autonomy while providing the local minister with federal and State government recognition as a religious marriage celebrant. Numerous successful and wide-ranging ministries within the Australian Pentecostal movement had their beginnings with Full Gospel.
Ian Munro served as the President of the Full Gospel Churches of Australia until his retirement in 1989 when Bert Westbrook became President. Subsequent Presidents have included Hank van der Steen and Stuart McClelland. Justine Simms currently leads Full Gospel Australia and has served as the Chair of the National Board of Directors since 2018.
A Note on Gender
Full Gospel Australia does not discriminate based on gender. We believe that God calls both women and men to ministry and both genders are equal before the Lord. We believe gender is important to God, He created both male and female (Genesis 1:27) and they are both created “in His image.” Paul teaches that women and men are equal before God. We are all called “Abraham’s seed” in Galatians 3:26-29. It is Full Gospel Australia’s culture to select based on qualifying factors, regardless of gender.
A large number of our credentialed ministers are women, who serve in many different roles and responsibilities in churches and ministries, including small, medium and large organisations. The Chairperson of our National board is a woman. Other women are members of our National Leadership Team.
Full Gospel Australia welcomes applications for a credential
from both genders equally.
Protection of Children
and Vulnerable Persons
Full Gospel Australia only grants credentials to people with a Working With Children Check issued by their State or Territory government. We also require each church and ministry to have in place, and enact, their own Children’s Protection Policy. We have zero tolerance towards any actions which could bring harm to children and other vulnerable people. We trust the various State and Territory governments to implement and maintain a robust working with children checking system.
In addition to our reliance on the governmental systems, we have placed checks and balances that safeguard children and vulnerable people and help them to feel safe within the Full Gospel Australia environment. These checks and balances include but are not limited to:
- All credential holders must possess a valid Working with Children authority from their State or Territory government
- All credential holders must sign and adhere to our Code of Conduct which is freely available on this website
- All credential holders must operate under the direct oversight of their own board/committee/responsible persons who also sign and adhere to our Code of Conduct (2 of the team must sign)
- All credential holders must operate under the direct oversight of their local board/committee/responsible persons who have adopted and enacted a Children’s Protection Policy within their organisation
- All credential holders report annually to Full Gospel Australia through our Annual Renewal System
Important Update on GST
The Full Gospel Churches of Australia is registered for GST and therefore collects GST on all credential-related transactions, and other various payments. We are compliant with Commonwealth and State legislation, including GST requirements. If your church or ministry organisation is also registered for GST, you may claim the GST on all credential payments back from the ATO in your next reconciliation.
Frequently Asked Questions
For answers to other questions, see our FAQs Page