College of Ministry Leadership

Diploma of Biblical Leadership

Our Diploma of Biblical Leadership is Bible-based, resource-rich, completely online, study-at-your-own-pace, up to date with the latest Biblical research course aimed specifically at contemporary Biblical Leaders who lead people in the real world. You can start studying at any time, take as long as you need to complete each unit and take advantage of our cohort meetings if you want, or, if you prefer, study completely independently.

The Diploma of Biblical Leadership is a 24-unit course, studying a range of Biblical, theological, and leadership subjects in a transformative atmosphere. We encourage our learners to engage with the Holy Spirit in each unit, to increase their leadership potential, and to enter into innovative and changing experiences of the heart. Each unit is designed around transformation, leadership, and experiencing a deeper relationship with God.

Check out the 2025 Prospectus below!

Each unit is designed to be completed in one month, however students are encouraged to study at their own pace. We offer an online cohort meeting once each week during term, or trimester times, which gives over thirty hours of group-based, face-to-face, online time with one of our experienced academics, senior leaders, or subject masters each year. These cohort sessions are particularly valuable as mentoring opportunities, coaching, future-proofing, strategic planning, or situational awareness building.

On successful completion of the Diploma of Biblical Leadership, each student may graduate at a graduation ceremony, complete with cap and gown. This is offered at a special celebration dinner held at our National Conference. This is an opportunity for students to be recognised for the work they have put into their course, and for relationship-building with other ministers and leaders within the Full Gospel Churches of Australia.

The cost of the Diploma of Ministry for the 2025-2026 graduating class is $250 per unit. The College of Ministry Leadership tries hard to keep the cost of this course low, so that the financial barrier to entry is minimised, allowing almost any Australian Christian to be able to afford this excellent education. Austudy and FEE-HELP are not available for this award. The College guarantees that unit costs will not increase during your enrollment. This means that while you are enrolled, the cost of all subsequent units in the award you are enrolled in, will not increase.

FAQs for the Diploma of Biblical Leadership

Can anyone study for the Diploma of Biblical Leadership? The short answer is YES! However, we do ask that candidates arrange for their pastor’s reference when applying. We believe in proper biblical processes, so being under authority as a person of authority is a great principle to abide by.

Do I have to attend the Graduation Ceremony when I have completed the Diploma of Biblical Leadership? No, the graduation ceremony is not compulsory, however, we hope that students who complete our courses will choose to graduate in cap and gown for their award.

I don’t have a cap and gown, does that mean I cannot graduate? The College of Ministry Leadership is honoured to provide all graduating students with their caps and gowns for the graduation ceremony. Ordinarily, the student must hand the gown back to us but is allowed to keep their graduation cap.

I don’t like writing long essays, are there any long essays in the Diploma of Biblical Leadership? The Diploma of Biblical Leadership does not have any long essay assignments. We do ask for your opinion on things you have learned, and we ask for your reflections and thoughts but these are confined to one or two paragraphs at most. We do not demand adherence to academic styles, footnotes, citations or bibliographies in your answers in this award as your answers are for your spiritual benefit and record.

Why are Austudy and FEE-HELP not available for the Diploma of Biblical Leadership? The Australian Government does not provide funding for this award through either Austudy or Fee-Help. This means that the Government does not control the content of the study, has no say in the way the course is delivered, and has no leverage over the formation of the content. It also means that they have no means to ‘look over your shoulder’ to see what you are studying and how you are progressing. In short, the government cannot see your work, your grades, your answers, or any other content you produce unless you choose to show it to them. This does not include content that is deemed to be self-harming or threatening to any person or group.

Are there any extra costs associated with the Diploma of Biblical Leadership? The College provides all teaching materials for the Diploma of Biblical Leadership through our online Learning Platform, Moodle. There are no added costs for textbooks or anything else. We also provide access to the Cohort Meetings, Graduation Ceremony, Conferences and the ticket to the Celebration Dinner. Students are expected to provide for their own travel costs, accommodation, etc. If the student desires to have family or friends at the Celebration Dinner to attend their graduation, they must purchase their own tickets.

From time to time the College will provide opportunities for mission trips or ministry trips. While the College tries to keep these costs to a minimum, participation in any of these extras is at the student’s expense. These undertakings are at the student’s risk.

How can I apply for a place in the Diploma of Biblical Leadership? Please write in the first instance to to apply for a place in the Diploma Program.

Diploma of Ministry

Transform your life and ministry with a higher education diploma, study full time over one year or part time in two years!

Romans 12:2 commands us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds.
2 Corinthians 3:18 tells us that we are being transformed into the image of Jesus as we look deeply into him. We welcome you to experience transformation in your personal, spiritual, and professional life as you study with us in our Diploma of Ministry. Download the prospectus (below) and enroll today for the 2025 year, to begin your journey in ministry leadership for the real world. The Diploma of Ministry can also be completed part-time over several years. 

Courses are Bible-based, theologically sound, and real-world-ready.

Find out what our students think of the College of Ministry Leadership! Leonie Lyttle successfully completed the Diploma of Ministry and then completed her Bachelor of Ministry. Leonie is an excellent student, most often achieving at Distinction or High Distinction levels. She is also an Ordained Minister with Full Gospel Australia and leads a life of Christlike service and successful ministry.

This training pathway is provided in partnership with the Australian College of Ministries (ACOM).  ACOM is a Member Institute of the Sydney College of Divinity (SCD) which offers internationally recognised higher education awards.

The cost of the Diploma of Ministry for 2024 is just under $18,000* and is Austudy & Fee-Help approved through the SCD for students who meet the Australian Government criteria. Visit for details.

2025 Prospectus


Cost does not include textbooks, your computer,  mobile or fixed phone lines, your internet connection, any travel, accommodation or other costs associated with the courses, should you choose to incur them. A high-quality online academic library is provided in the Diploma of Ministry, Bachelor and Post Graduate courses.

 2025 Key Dates

Plan to begin study by mid-February 2025 – Actual Start Date will be published soon. 

                        to begin study in Trimester 1
              Begin your application process today!