Ideas for Reaching those Outside Your Circle of Influence

There are as many creative and different ways to meet people as there are people. Just lately I’ve heard of some very creative ways that people in churches are using to reach others in their local communities. Here are just three interesting and very doable ideas to meet people in your community with the Love of Christ.

Donate Blankets to the Homeless

Homeless people are in every community. Yes, you heard me right; every community. People are couch-surfing with their relatives and friends, living in the cars, staying in shelters, actually living under bridges. As winter comes on, life gets very hard when you’re living rough.

Blankets can be brought very cheaply from various places and for very little money, a good many can be bought. Keep an eye out for people living rough and offer them blankets and a food voucher from a local take-away restaurant.  You can buy them online from Kmart delivered to your door! (No affiliate link here – its just convenient and a great product)

Lots of people in your congregation or ministry will love to be involved in this amazing ministry.

Start a Christians Against Poverty Ministry

Christians Against Poverty empower your church with a range of powerful tools to help people in your community. They believe that no Australian should live in financial distress, and so will partner with you to be a positive influence in your community. They will help with training your people, supply ideas, systems and background help so you can make an amazing difference to those in your community who are struggling with their finances.

Remember that the “middle-class poor” is a burgeoning phenomenon in Australia. Your church or ministry could be a wonderful help to those who are quietly suffering in your local community.

Mow Lawns For the Elderly or Disabled

Do you have a number of people in your church or ministry who love working outdoors and would give a few hour’s every so often? There are so many people who could use a hand in the garden, or just to mow the lawn every now and then. Begin small, advertise on a community board at the local shopping centre or doctor’s surgery or community centre. Soon you will have people from your community requesting you to come and help them.

Why would you do these things?

So you can talk to people, so you can help them, so you can be the light of goodness in a world that really needs to see you shine. Talking to your neighbours is still the best way to bring people into a relationship with Jesus Christ.