Join us

We welcome Ministers of the Gospel to join Full Gospel Australia who desire to be in a relationship with other ministers who value their local communities or the communities in which they minister. As a family, we think differently, we experience a range of worship styles and expressions, yet we commit to growing in love and trust for one another, valuing, upholding one another and fellowshipping together to build strength, character, and lasting friendships.

Three Types of Credential

Full Gospel Australia seeks to help ministers and their churches or ministries by providing four different types of credentials.  These strengthen your church or ministry by providing different levels of cover, applying different responsibilities and helping the Church or Ministry to recognise and honour those who work within the body of Christ in differing capacities. 

The three credentials are:

Ordained Credential

This credential is generally sought by ministers of the gospel who need to be able to marry couples within Australia.  On final approval, you will be registered with the Commonwealth, State or Territory’s Attorney General, receiving the authority to authorise or solemnise marriages under the Marriage Act 1961 on behalf of the Full Gospel Churches of Australia.

This credential helps with access to hospitals, prisons, and other government or semi-government institutions and enables the holder to witness Statutory Declarations, as well as perform other important functions within the community. 

A numbered credential card with a photo of the credential holder and an expiry date is issued, providing secure identification which is validated yearly.

Download the Credential Application here. Please note, that we can only accept applications using this application form. Previous versions of the form cannot be accepted. 

Associate Minister’s Credential

This credential is suitable for those who do not wish or need to be registered with the Attorney General to solemnise marriages. This credential helps with access to hospitals, prisons, and other government or semi-government institutions. A numbered credential card with a photo of the credential holder and expiry date is issued, providing secure identification which is validated yearly.

Download the Credential Application here. Please note, that we can only accept applications using this application form. Previous versions of the form cannot be accepted. 

Ministry Leader’s Credential:

This credential is a very powerful tool for recognising those leaders within your church or ministry who lead others and who contribute significantly to the life of your church or organisation. It is particularly helpful for encouraging Emerging Leaders who you have recognised as being on the pathway to higher leadership within the church. It helps enhance their standing in your church or ministry and encourages their continued personal development in Leadership.

The Ministry Leader is not expected to have the depth of knowledge and skills an Ordained or Associate Minister is required to possess, yet they provide essential services within churches and ministries as they lead, care for, listen to, comfort, and give biblical wisdom to people within their ministry. 

The Ministry Leader’s Credential can be titled with varying headings, such as: “Youth Worker,” “Local Minister,” “Local Area Pastor,” “Children’s Ministry Leader,” or almost any title the local church or ministry needs(1). The local senior ordained pastor’s approval and reference are essential for this credential. Each senior Ordained Minister of a church or ministry may authorise as many Ministry Leaders as they need. 

This credential is suitable for those who work within or out of a local church or ministry, under the direct pastoral oversight of the senior ordained minister, and who are integral to the function and ministry of the church but are not identified as either an ordained or associate pastor. This credential helps with access to hospitals, prisons, emergency services, and other government or semi-government institutions. A numbered credential card with a photo of the credential holder and expiry date is issued, providing secure identification which is validated yearly.

Download the Credential Application here. Please note, that we can only accept applications using this application form. Previous versions of the form cannot be accepted. 

Notes on Full Gospel Australia’s Credentials

All ministers of the Gospel with a Full Gospel Australia credential must also hold a Working With Children Check (WWCC) issued by their State or Territory Government. Persons who are unable to receive a WWCC cannot qualify for a credential from Full Gospel Australia as we highly value the safety of all people, especially children and vulnerable people.

All our credentials are subject to an initial approval process which may include interviews with the applicant, and referees, as well as investigation of any claims made in the application process. An application fee of $59.00 (incl GST) applies to all applications. Applicants can expect to be contacted by a member of the Credential Committee, or an executive of FGA and/or your State Leader. Our process is not intrusive but designed to allow Full Gospel Australia to understand and know each applicant in a way that helps us to help them. 

Credentials are renewed each year by completing a renewal form and remitting a renewal fee. Each credential holder is expected to engage with Professional Development within the year. Whilst this is not an onerous task, it is important to ensure that our ministers are actively engaging with their calling on an ongoing basis.

Each State and Territory within Australia is led by a National Executive Member of Full Gospel Australia, who will from time to time, contact credential holders, provide assistance when needed, and hold State or Regional Meetings. 

All credential holders are invited to our twice-weekly ZOOM prayer meetings. These meetings are held each Wednesday morning and evening and are an exceptional opportunity to get to know other pastors within FGA and also to share one another’s burdens and lift each other in unity and prayer. An invitation will be issued once your credential is finalised.

A National Conference is normally held each year and webinars are provided which help with your professional development and with getting to know other ministers around Australia. The National Conference is open to both credential holders and their congregations and ministry members. 

(1) Ministry Leader’s credential card titles are subject to the approval of the Credential Committee and executive of FGA.