Here are three more creative and different ways to reach out to people in your community with the Love of Christ. All Full Gospel Australia churches and ministries are focused on the community that God has given them, or placed them in, reaching people with the good news that God loves them and wants to benefit them is part of what we are all about.
In the first post of this series we talked about donating blankets to the homeless, starting a Christians Against Poverty ministry and mowing lawns for the elderly. you can read that post here.
Buy Something and Sell it FOR LESS!
One of our very respected pastors identified that he had limited access to people outside the church because he was so busy with people inside the church. This can be a common challenge for busy pastors. As he was thinking about this, he felt the Lord draw him towards a need in the community for a common but reasonably expensive food product.
He found a supplier who would sell him bulk quantities of the finest quality product, then he divided it up into smaller lots, and sold them FOR LESS THAN HE BOUGHT THEM!
He is constantly meeting new people as they come to buy his products. He uses these opportunities to tell people of God’s great love for them – they get two beautiful bargains: a good deal and the Good News!
He reasons that this is the most effective spend in his evangelism budget: and its fun!
Form a Play Group
Play groups are amazing opportunities for people to get to know one another in a non-threatening and supportive atmosphere. There is a huge need in the community for people who are busy, who are encountering new things in life (like having a toddler!) and who might be lonely. Recent statistics show that loneliness is an increasing problem for young people: a Play Group provides a place for people to connect.
A Play Group can be run by a young mum, a grandparent, or an elderly person as the important thing is relationship! All you need is a safe place to meet, access to snacks and refreshments, and safe parking.
Ask Your Local Hospital Auxiliary What They Need
One of the best way to reach out to people is to provide something they need. You might be surprised at what they ask you to do, and it could be easier and more achievable than you think. Full Gospel Australia strongly links the Gospel of Jesus Christ to Community Transformation, in that the Life of Jesus Christ is more than a personal experience for individuals. His Life in us causes us to be salt in this world, a transformative substance which makes a difference!
Even a small fellowship can make a huge difference in partnering with a local medical facility, opening doors for conversations that would never happen otherwise.